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Principal investigator is required to acknowledge the results and data obtained with the assistance of the computing facilities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences followingly:

Slovak version

“Výskum (alebo jeho časť) bol realizovaný s využitím výpočtovej infraštruktúry obstaranej v projekte Národné kompetenčné centrum pre vysokovýkonné počítanie (kód projektu: 311070AKF2) financovaného z Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja, Štrukturálnych fondov EU Informatizácia spoločnosti , operačného programu Integrovaná infraštruktúra 2014-2020.”

English version

“(Part of the) Research results was obtained using the computational resources procured in the national project National competence centre for high performance computing (project code: 311070AKF2) funded by European Regional Development Fund, EU Structural Funds Informatization of society, Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure.”

Detailed information about terms of use can be found on the website of Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences under section Documents.