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Compilation on Devana

Devana offers a wide range of compilers for various programming languages to ensure compatibility with your workloads. You can view the available compilers by running the following command:

module avail compiler

Available Compilers

The following compilers are available on the cluster:

* C/C++
* Fortran 77/90/95
* Java

The C/C++ and Fortran compilers are provided by the following options:

Open Source:

* Clang/LLVM

Commercial Licenses:

* Intel

Common Toolchains

You can set up your environment with the desired compiler toolchain (e.g., Intel toolchain version 2022a) by using:

module load intel/2022a

Compiler Toolchains

There are two main compiler toolchains available:

  • Intel Toolchain: Includes Intel compilers and libraries.
  • FOSS Toolchain: Composed of open-source compilers and libraries.

Intel Toolchain

The Intel toolchain provides optimized compilers and libraries, particularly useful for applications that require high-performance computing. It includes:

  • Intel C/C++/Fortran compilers (icc, icpc, ifort)
  • Intel MPI library
  • Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) for BLAS, LAPACK, and FFT functionalities

FOSS Toolchain

The FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software) toolchain includes open-source alternatives for building and running applications. It includes:

  • GNU GCC compilers
  • Open MPI library
  • FlexiBLAS (OpenBLAS + LAPACK)
  • FFTW and ScaLAPACK libraries


If you're working with high-performance applications and require optimizations, consider using the Intel toolchain. For open-source alternatives, the FOSS toolchain is a robust option.

Component Versions in Intel Toolchains

Here are the key versions included in the Intel toolchain:

Version GCC Binutils Intel Compilers Intel MPI Intel MKL
2022a 11.3.0 2.38 2022.1.0 2021.6.0 2022.1.0
2022b 12.2.0 2.39 2022.2.1 2021.7.1 2022.2.1
2023a 12.3.0 2.40 2023.1.0 2021.9.0 2023.1.0

Component Versions in FOSS Toolchains

The FOSS toolchain includes the following versions:

2020a 9.3.0 4.0.3 - 3.3.8 2.1.0
2020b 10.2.0 4.0.5 - 3.3.8 2.1.0
2021a 10.3.0 4.1.1 3.0.4 3.3.9 2.1.0
2021b 11.2.0 4.1.1 3.0.4 3.3.10 2.1.0
2022.05 11.3.0 4.1.4 3.2.0 3.3.10 2.2.0
2022a 11.3.0 4.1.4 3.2.0 3.3.10 2.2.0
2022b 12.2.0 4.1.4 3.2.1 3.3.10 2.2.0


To load the Intel 2022a toolchain:

module load intel/2022a

To load the FOSS 2022b toolchain:

module load foss/2022b

By selecting the right compiler and toolchain for your needs, you can optimize your code and make the most out of Devana's high-performance computing capabilities.

Created by: marek.steklac