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Storage Overview

Effective data management is essential for ensuring high performance and productivity when working on the Devana HPC cluster. This guide outlines the available storage systems, their intended uses, and best practices for optimal usage.

No Backups Available

There are no backup services for any directory (/home, /projects, /scratch, /work). Users are responsible for safeguarding their data.

Storage Systems

Upon logging into the Devana cluster, multiple storage locations are available, each designed to support specific aspects of computational workflows:

Overview of Available Filesystems on Devana

  • /home
  • A personal directory that is unique to each user.
  • Intended for storing personal results.
  • /projects
  • A shared directory that all project members can access.
  • Used for storing project-related results.
  • /scratch
  • A shared directory designed for large files, accessible to all project members.
  • Intended for calculations involving files exceeding the local disk capacity.
  • /work
  • Local storage on each compute and GPU node.
  • Suitable for calculations with files not exceeding the local disk capacity.
  • Only accessible during an active job.


The /home directory is the default storage location after logging in, containing a user's personal directory. A quota of 1 TB per user is enforced.
For details on storage quotas, refer to the home quotas section.

Data Retention Policy

When a project concludes, data in the home directory is retained for 3 months.

Access Mountpoint Per-User Limit Backup Total Capacity Performance Protocol
Login & Compute Nodes /home 1TB No 547 TB 3 GB/s write, 6 GB/s read NFS


Each active project is allocated a /projects directory, accessible from login and compute nodes at /projects. Currently, there are no storage quotas for this directory.

Data Retention Policy

Data in /projects is preserved for 3 months after the project concludes.

To check your project’s directory within /projects, use the following command:

uid=187000083(user1) gid=187000083(user1) groups=187000083(user1),187000062(user1)
Access Mountpoint Per-User Limit Backup Total Capacity Performance Protocol
Login & Compute Nodes /projects None No 269 TB XXX GB/s NFS


The /scratch directory is temporary storage for computational data and is implemented as a BeeGFS parallel filesystem with 100Gb/s Infiniband connectivity.

User Responsibility

Users are required to transfer important data from /scratch to /home or /projects once calculations are complete and remove temporary files.

Access Mountpoint Per-User Limit Backup Total Capacity Performance Protocol
Login & Compute Nodes /scratch None No 269 TB XXX GB/s BeeGFS


The /work directory, similar to /scratch, is a temporary storage space specifically for calculations. However, it consists of local storage on individual compute nodes, accessible only during an active job.

Node-Specific Capacity

  • Nodes 001 - 049 and 141-146 offer 3.5 TB of /work storage.
  • Other nodes provide 1.8 TB.
Access Mountpoint Per-User Limit Backup Total Capacity Performance Protocol
Compute Nodes /work None No 1.5/3.5 TB XXX GB/s XFS

For additional hardware details, visit the Storage Hardware Section.

Where to Store Data?

Storage locations are categorized based on their intended use.

Path (Mountpoint) Quota Retention Protocol
/home/username/ 1 TB 3 months after project ends NFS


A personal home directory. Check the path with echo $HOME.

Path (Mountpoint) Quota Retention Protocol
/projects/<project_id> Unlimited 3 months after project ends NFS


A shared project directory accessible to all project members.

Path (Mountpoint) Quota Retention Protocol
/scratch/<project_id> Unlimited 3 months after project ends BeeGFS
/work/$SLURM_JOB_ID Unlimited Automatically deleted after job completion XFS


Temporary storage directories for calculations, accessible only during a running job.

  • /scratch/<project_id> – Shared scratch directory, available from all compute nodes.
  • /work/$SLURM_JOB_ID – Local storage, specific to the allocated compute node.

Where to Run Calculations?

Mountpoint Capacity Accessible From Performance (Write/Read)
/home 547 TB Login & Compute Nodes 3 GB/s & 6 GB/s
/projects 269 TB Login & Compute Nodes XXX
/scratch 269 TB Login & Compute Nodes 7 GB/s & 14 GB/s
/work 3.5 TB Compute/GPU (Nodes 001-048, 141-148) 3.6 GB/s & 6.7 GB/s
/work 1.5 TB Compute (Nodes 049-140) 1.9 GB/s & 3.0 GB/s

Choosing the Right Filesystem

The optimal filesystem depends on various factors. In general, /work provides the best performance for workloads where storage capacity is not a primary concern.

Created by: marek.steklac