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New Software Installation Request

If you wish to have new software installed on Devana cluster send a request to our administration support team. Please provide the following information in the ticket:

[1] Software name (required)

[2] Website/source (required)

[3] Type of software (e.g. open-source, commercial, ...) (required)

[4] Required software version (specific version or 'latest') (required)

[5] Dependencies (both required and optional ones that are required for your use case)

[6] Pointer to installation guide (required)

[7] Pointer to documentation on how to test installation

[8] Details of license server, hostname and port(s) (if any)

[9] Instructions to run test case

[10] Short motivation describing why you want to use this software (required)

[11]Toolchain preference (e.g. intel/2020a, ...)

[12] Does this software need to be made available to only a particular group of users? (required)

  • No, installation can be public
  • Yes (specify the group of users)
Created by: Marek Štekláč